まず、分譲マンションのリノベという限られた制約の中で、フルスケルトンにするのではなく、大胆に壁を取り壊す部分と逆に閉じてしまう部分とを明確に分けました。生活の大半を過ごす寝室から玄関、LDKをひとつながりの空間「Outdoor living」と定義し、小さな小屋のまわりに、活動の拠点となる多様な居場所を散りばめました。
設計/監理|STUDIO MOVE 中尾 彰宏
家具設計協力|弓削 純平
写真|exp 塩谷 淳
Located in a quiet residential neighbourhood and close to the sea, the project articulates in a context with echoing sound waves and wide view of the coastline. The apartment building is surrounded by the ocean and its structure is very constrained by the existing elements. We thought if it would be possible to incorporate the constrained structure into the design. Majority of the time in housing is spent in the bedroom. We define around it the foyer, living, dining and kitchen to organize as a “Outdoor Living”. It’s like an open activity space surrounding a small hut. We create clear division between rooms by maintaining the demolished walls and the existing walls. The existing concrete structure in the apartment blocks the views from inside, therefore the floor level is adjusted to create a wider view of the ocean. From the interior, the user feels the space as an extension of the coastline. The experience of the ocean view from every corner offers openness and generosity to the apartment.
Location: Fukuoka Nishi-ku Imajuku
Project Type: Apartment Renovation
Structure:Concrete Structure
Total Area: 70.84m2
Project Team: STUDIO MOVE
Contractor: Wakasugi Kensetsu
Curtain Production: anbaba
Furniture Designer: Junpei Yuge
Furniture Manufacture: Ichijunokage
Photos: exp Atsushi Shiotani